
Paul Salveson

Paul Salveson’s website is a fantastic resource for all kinds of Northern industrial history and heritage.

Songs from the Age of Steam

The website contains popular songs and poetry about steam power. It includes folk songs, music hall songs, monologues, parlour ballads, and poems, from the Britain and Ireland. The earliest pieces come from the time when steam power was adopted in mines and factories; and the latest date from the post-steam nostalgia of the late 20th century. In round figures 1750-2000.

The aim of the site is to put these pieces in their historical context. Text and music are supported by:

  • references to sources, publication dates etc.
  • a Glossary; 
  • and by Notes about the social, economic, and political background against which the songs were written and performed.

The song and poems are divided into categories and subcategories and there is menu structure to help the user to find material.

Each item has been assigned a unique identifier (Bargery number) and where possible a cross reference to the Roud Index of Broadsides and Folk Songs

The site is being developed and signs of work in progress will be seen here and there. However; it is thought better to make the information contained available now rather than to wait (perhaps years) for the site to reach its final format.

You are welcome to use the content of the site but please acknowledge all sources.