- A Blackburn Weaver
- A Joker
- A Working Man
- A. R. H-d-y
- Abe Jones
- Abel
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adam
- Adam Chester
- Albert Edward
- Alcæus
- Alexandra
- Allan Gates
- Ambrose Tomlinson
- Amos Wilson
- Angel of Peace (deity)
- Annie
- B. Preston
- Badahung
- Barbara Fritchie
- Barber Periwig (fictional)
- Bayezid I
- Ben
- Benjamin Butler
- Benjamin Dwight
- Benjamin Franklin
- Betsy
- Betty
- Bill
- Bob
- Bob
- Bob Travis
- Bonton (fictional)
- Brennus
- Britannia (personification)
- Cain
- Catherine Gladstone
- Celina
- Charity (personification)
- Charles
- Charles Dickens
- Charles Kingsley
- Charles Mackay
- Charles Sumner
- Charles Wilkes
- Charley
- Clay
- Colin Campbell
- Collier Jim
- Commerce (personification)
- Comte Charles Joseph de Flahaut
- Contentment (personification)
- Cornelius
- Crawshaw
- Croesus
- Dainty Miss (fictional)
- Dame Fashion (fictional)
- Daniel Hill
- Daniel Livingstone Naylor
- Dashley
- David Little
- David Livingstone
- Death (personification)
- Dick
- Dick
- Dicky
- Dinah Craik
- Dives
- Diz (fictional)
- Donald Fairfax
- Dundreary (fictional)
- E. J. Bellasis
- E. Moss
- E. T. W.
- E____h W____n
- Edmund Randolph
- Edouard Drouyn De Lhuys
- Edward Baker
- Edward Bates
- Edward Leatham
- Edward Smith-Stanley Earl of Derby
- Edwin Waugh
- Elmer Ellsworth
- Envy (personification)
- Ernest Jones
- Eve
- Faith (personification)
- Fame (personification)
- Famine (personification)
- Fate (personification)
- Father Christmas (fictional)
- Fever (personification)
- Fitz Warren
- Fitzmuggings (fictional)
- Flora (deity)
- Fortune (personification)
- Francis Bacon
- Fred
- Frost (personification)
- Fun (personification)
- G.G.N.
- G.G.N.
- Gallant Wayne
- George Cadwallader
- George Coppin
- George Cornewall Lewis
- George MacDonald
- George Washington
- Gerald Massey
- Gideon Welles
- God (deity)
- Gulielmus
- H
- H.M.
- H.N.
- Ham
- Hampden
- Henry Beecher
- Henry Brougham
- Henry Clay
- Henry Havelock
- Henry Longfellow
- Henry Wise
- Henry Yates
- Hercules
- His Reverance
- Hope (personification)
- Horrobin
- Howell Cobb
- Hunger (personification)
- Hydra
- Isaac
- Isaac Steel
- Ishmael
- Ishmael Day
- J. B.
- J. B. L.
- J. Heywood
- J. O.
- J.R.
- Jack
- Jack Strike (fictional)
- James Bowker
- James Bruce
- James Hargreaves
- James Murray Mason
- James Ross
- James Ward
- James Watt
- Jamie
- Jammie O' Ned's
- Jefferson Davis
- Jefferson Davis
- Jem Thompson
- Jesus Christ (deity)
- Jim
- Jim
- Jim
- Jim Bell
- Jimmy
- Job
- Joe
- Joey
- John
- John
- John
- John Adams
- John Arthur Roebuck
- John Barleycorn (personification)
- John Baron
- John Breckinridge
- John Bright
- John Brown (fictional)
- John Bull (personification)
- John Charles Twist
- John Cheetham
- John Cumming
- John Floyd
- John Franklin
- John Hampden
- John Jay
- John Keats
- John Letcher
- John Magruder
- John Merryman
- John Milton
- John Osbaldeston
- John Parry
- John Plummer
- John Prince
- John Pym
- John Slidell
- John Wilkes
- Jonathan (personification)
- Jone
- Jonny McKay
- Joseph Eggleston Johnston
- Joseph Ramsbottom
- Jove (deity)
- K
- Kate
- King Bomb (personification)
- King Cotton (fictional)
- King James
- King of the Castle of Ill (fictional)
- King Scant (personification)
- L.
- L. S.
- Labour (personification)
- Lady Godiva
- Lancashire Spinner
- Lankyshir Lad
- Laon
- Laurence Keitt
- Lazarus
- Leonidas Polk
- Liberty (personification)
- Lord John Russell
- Lord Mayor of London
- Lord Melbourne
- Lord Palmerston
- Lord Tennyson
- Louis Napoleon
- Love (personification)
- M. H. L.
- Mally
- Mammon (deity)
- Marcus Curtius
- Margit
- Mars (deity)
- Mary
- Mary Jane
- Mary Lincoln
- Mercy (personification)
- Miles O'Reilly
- Miss Poodle (fictional)
- Miss Thingumby (fictional)
- Morton
- Moses
- Mr This (fictional)
- Mr. S. Pickering
- Mr. Snooks (fictional)
- Mr. Spriggins (fictional)
- Mrs Lofty (fictional)
- Mrs That (fictional)
- Mrs. Dr. Reed
- Mungo Park
- Nan
- Nana Sahib
- Nanny
- Nanny
- Nathaniel Lyon
- Nathaniel Willis
- Nature (personification)
- Nelly
- Nelly
- Nemesis (deity)
- Neptune
- Old Pam (fictional)
- Old Shuttle (fictional)
- Oliver Cromwell
- owd Joe
- P.
- Patrick Henry
- Peace (personification)
- Penates (deity)
- Percy Shelley
- Philanthropy (personification)
- Phoenix (personification)
- Pierre-Gustave Toutant de Beauregard
- Pity (personification)
- Polly
- Prayin' Jemmy
- Prim (fictional)
- Prince Alexander Gorchakov
- Prince Rupert
- Prometheus
- Punch (fictional)
- Putnam
- Queen Anne
- Queen Victoria
- Quincy Adams Gilmore
- R.R.B.
- Rev. J. Baker
- Rev. J.G. Rogers
- Richard Arnold
- Richard Cobden
- Richard Lyons
- Richard Monckton Milnes
- Richard Rawcliffe
- Richard the Lionheart
- Robbut
- Robert Browning
- Robert Lee
- Robert Rhett
- Robin
- Roger Taney
- Routledge
- Ruth (personification)
- S. Wright
- Saint George Saint George (fictional)
- Saint Paul
- Sally
- Salmon Chase
- Samson
- Samuel Bamford
- Samuel Clarkson
- Samuel Crompton
- Samuel Laycock
- Satan
- Sheldon Chadwick
- Silas Stringham
- Simon Cameron
- Sir Edward Pakenham
- Sir Richard Arkwright
- Sir Robert Peel
- Sir William Armstrong
- Sister Columbia (fictional)
- Snob (fictional)
- Sol
- Solomon
- Sorrow (personification)
- Spencer T. Hall
- Squire Consequence (fictional)
- Starvation (personification)
- Stephen Douglas
- Sumner Sam
- Sylvanus
- Tantalus
- Taylor
- Ted
- Theodore Tilton
- Thomas Barlow
- Thomas Clarkson
- Thomas Forster Ker
- Thomas Hodson
- Thomas Hood
- Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson
- Thomas Kane
- Thomas Lumb
- Thomas Raffles
- Timothy
- Toby Timorous (fictional)
- Tom
- Tom
- Tom
- Tommy
- Tommy Darbyshire
- Trueman
- Truth (personification)
- Tum
- Tum
- Tum
- Tummy
- Turner
- Tyranny (personification)
- Ulysses Grant
- uncle Robin
- Uncle Sam (fictional)
- Uriel (deity)
- Victory (personification)
- Virtue (personification)
- W. C.
- W. C. Bennett
- W. H. Webb
- W.F.M.
- W.J. Grimshaw
- Want (personification)
- War (personification)
- Washington Wilks
- Will
- William Alexander Abram
- William Billington
- William Brownlow
- William Bryant
- William Caxton
- William Channing
- William Clarke
- William Eaton
- William Ewart Gladstone
- William Russell
- William Seward
- William Shakespeare
- William Sterndale Bennett
- William Stitt Jenkins
- William Wilberforce
- Willie
- Williffe Cunliam
- Winnie
- X
- Y Stonmarket
- Young Noodledom (fictional)
- Young Starehum (fictional)
- Zacchaeus