Wasted Time
Title:Wasted Time
Publication:Stockport and Cheshire County News
Published in:
Date:July 4th 1863
Keywords:industry, unemployment
Although there is no direct reference to the Cotton Famine this poem’s theme would have been familiar with many readers and its publication context reminds us that the effects of the Distress reached beyond Lancashire into regions such as Cheshire and West Yorkshire. The latter area is where Bradford is situated, and though West Yorkshire was dependent on the wool industry as well, it also contained many mills affected by the cotton shortage – Hebden Bridge, for example, relied almost entirely on the production of fustian, which was made from cotton. It is possible to read the last lines of the poem as an encouragement to the unemployed that life can still be fulfilling outside of the workplace, a sentiment which obviously resonates for many in the post-Covid world. – SR