
10 poems mentioning Earth

  1. 'England', by Amos Wilson, 12/3/64
  2. Lines, by Samuel Laycock, November 12th, 1864
  3. The Cry of the Unemployed, by Gerald Massey, Jan 2, 1864
  4. Christmas, 1861, by W. A. Abram, Dec 21st, 1861
  5. New Voices from the Crowd, by W. C. Bennett, August 22, 1863
  6. The Rising of the People, by [Unknown], February 13, 1864
  7. Of America: A Voice from the Crowd., by W. C. Bennett, August 15th 1863
  8. A Sorry Christmas, by unknown, Dec 28th 1861
  9. To the Factory Girl, by Ambrose Tomlinson, May 17 1862
  10. Poem on International Exhibition, by Poet Laureate, May 3 1862